BTW: I still cannot believe that there is no way to pass a mail through a filter in Mutt. I mean, to pipe a mail to a script and capture the output in a variable. If you know how to do that, please let me know.
This is the Python script that takes a mail on standard input, and writes the message-id of that mail into a temporary file:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys, re
from email import message_from_string, message_from_file
from email.header import Header, decode_header
RECORDFILE = "/tmp/mutt-store-for-message-id"
set my_message_id='%s'
class MessageIdException(Exception):
The base exception of this module.
class HeaderNotAvailable(MessageIdException):
catch this if the you are looking for is optional.
def get_header(mail, header):
Return the requested header as one decoded string or throw
header_raw = mail.get(header)
if not header_raw:
raise HeaderNotAvailable("looking for header %s in %s"
% (header, mail.get('Subject')))
header_parts = []
for part, charset in decode_header(header_raw):
header_parts.append(unicode(part, charset or 'ascii', 'replace'))
return ''.join(header_parts).strip()
def escape_message_id(idstring):
Return an escaped version of the message-id string.
Some characters need to be escaped to not be evaluated in mutt.
idstring = idstring.replace(c, '\\' + c)
return idstring
def main():
Read a mail piped on standard input, and write the escaped message-id
string to a file.
if os.isatty(file.fileno(sys.stdin)):
raise MessageIdException("stdin is not a pipe")
mail = message_from_file(sys.stdin)
msg_id_header = 'Message-ID'
raw_message_id = get_header(mail, msg_id_header)
if not raw_message_id:
raise MessageIdException("empty message-id")
esc_message_id = escape_message_id(raw_message_id)
with open(RECORDFILE, "w") as fw:
fw.write(MUTTCMD % esc_message_id)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now, the Mutt macro. You need to fill in the path to where you stored the above script -- called 'muttcmd-print-message-id' in this example:
macro index,pager ,T "\
<enter-command>set my_auto_tag=\$auto_tag auto_tag=no<Enter>\
<enter-command>set my_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode pipe_decode=no<Enter>\
<enter-command>set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<Enter>\
<enter-command>set wait_key=\$my_wait_key<Enter>\
<enter-command>set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode<Enter>\
<enter-command>set auto_tag=\$my_auto_tag<Enter>\
<enter-command>source /tmp/mutt-store-for-message-id<enter>\
<tag-pattern>~i \$my_message_id<enter>\
<limit>~(~i \$my_message_id)<enter>\
Well, I guess, I rushed a bit too much. Fixed the macro and compared the result. It should work now.